There is currently the possibility to receive a 30% subsidy for the professional exchange of heating circulation pumps. An old, uncontrolled pump runs up to 6,000 hours a year to deliver the heating water to the connected radiators? An uncontrolled heating pump costs up to € 150 a year and is one of the largest energy consumers in the household.
According to the manufacturer, the lifespan of a high-efficiency pump is between 10 and 15 years, which means that far more than 1,000 euros can be saved.
In principle, all heating circulation pumps that are installed externally, i.e. outside the heat generator, can be replaced.
Most old circulation pumps are oversized, so they perform better than required. As a rule, the performance of the new pump is significantly lower, the specialist advises on this.
With around 10% of the annual electricity consumption, the heating pump often causes the greatest electricity consumption in the house. It often uses more electricity than a refrigerator, freezer or other household electrical runners. Replacing an old circulation pump with a high-efficiency pump of energy efficiency class A pays off in a single-family home after three to five years. The intelligent high-efficiency pumps are only active when they are really needed. The annual consumption of the new pump is usually less than a quarter of the previous consumption.